若讀者是球迷,應知道最近的球壇大事,莫過於歐洲超級聯賽(European Super League)的鬧劇。12支歐洲豪門球會擬另起爐灶,建立不設升降班制度的聯賽,詎料引發風暴,群情洶湧之下,列強相繼退出,計劃遂告胎死腹中。英國體育專欄作家 Jonathan Liew 更痛批這12支球會為「the dirty dozen」,他解釋了這些富豪球會另起爐灶的財政原因:
‧Barcelona are £1bn in debt and facing one of the biggest financial crises in their history. Real Madrid were unable to afford a single big signing last summer. Juventus have to find around £100m by the end of June.
這場風暴充分突顯了歐美體育文化衝突,不過,本文主題不是足球,而是英語單眾數的運用。首先,集合名詞(collective nouns)如 family、committee,英式和美式英語的用法略有不同。
‧The family intend/intends to move to the UK next year.
‧The family intends to move to the UK next year.
‧England's football team now face either Russia or Croatia in the semi-finals on Wednesday.(英國 Sky News)
‧U.S. Soccer Team Is Again Being Rebuilt With an Interim Coach's Blueprint(美國《紐約時報》)
按照以上的邏輯,把集合名詞的文法原則套用到球會的名字上,本文開首所引 Jonathan Liew 一段文字用上了眾數動詞,似乎順理成章了。正如英國文化協會解釋:In the Premier League, all football teams are singular in form (Arsenal, Manchester Utd, Chelsea) but, in British English, we use a plural form when we are referring to the football team and their actions(在英格蘭超級聯賽,所有球隊名稱都是單數(如阿仙奴、曼聯、車路士),但在英式英語,當我們提及球隊和他們的動向時,我們便使用眾數動詞)。
‧Arsenal is one of the most successful squads in English football history(《大英百科全書》)
但是也有例外,例如《朗文當代辭典》便用了眾數的 they 來指代同一支球隊:
‧Arsenal...a very successful English football team from North London. They play at the Emirates stadium...
‧City are within touching distance of regaining the Premier League title...(BBC)
文︰Terence Yip •葉凱楓