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Talking about translation - "醞釀"

"醞釀" is a tricky word to translate into English. The Chinese expression refers to fermentation, a process during which sugar is changed into alcohol. But very often the word is used figuratively to refer to the development of an idea, an argument, a product or an event. Depending on the context, the expression can be translated as "to be brewing", "to be in gestation", "to be in the making", "to be simmering" or "to be in the pipeline". Here are some examples: 1. A political storm is brewing over the controversial legislation. 這項具爭議的法例即將醞釀出一場政治風暴。 2. The company's new project was a long time in gestation. 這公司的新項目醞釀了很長一段時間。 3. The new input system was two years in the making. 新的輸入系統醞釀了兩年才完成。 4. Arguments over the new taxes have been simmering for months. 關於新稅項的爭論已醞釀了幾個月了。 5. A new tunnel connecting the two islands is in the pipeline. 一道連接該兩座島嶼隧道正在醞釀中。

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